Thursday, December 23, 2021

Merry Christmas and A Happy 2022 to You!


Dirks family Christmas photo
          From left: Brian, Dee, Kynlee, Hillary, Thomas, Laela, Kyle
       and Kylie. Not able to join us that morning were Rick, Kelly and Keira

Seasons’ Greetings from Dee and Brian!

We hope you are well and enjoying life.

This has been both a joyous and sad year for us, with the loss of Brian’s mother Ann in January then his father Marty in July. We had a wonderful online service for mom and a "hybrid" (online and in-person) service for dad, followed by family graveside services for both at a cemetery in Ferndale.   

A highlight, however, was the beautiful wedding of son Kyle to Kylie Wagar in August. 

Dee has been keeping busy with her job in the executive offices of Tacoma MultiCare on weekdays then most weekends helping her dad Gregg and stepmom Joyce in Olympia with sister Candace. Brian, in the meantime, continues to enjoy retirement projects and adventures and spending time on non-profit organization work. We try to do stuff with our grandkids as often as possible too.  

There were ski trips and a host of other outdoor activities, and time at family places along Utsalady Bay on Camano Island and Henderson Inlet near Olympia. The video embedded below covers some of it.

We wish you a blessed Christmas/holiday season and a happy, joyous 2022!


Brian and Dee Dirks

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